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Showing posts from March, 2017

Beginning again ... again.

I quit smoking back on Feb. 27th, 2012. I also started weight training and eating differently just prior to that and got in to the best shape of my life. Fast forward to today, March 23rd, 2017, and I'm happy to say that I remain a non-smoker and have had no setbacks or urges to change that status. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my training, diet or the shape that I'm in. I went in to a power-lifting style of training, which took me to some pretty crazy strength and muscle gains, but my diet is/has been such a mess for so long now. I'd start eating better, only to fall off of it because I'm not seeing the changes I want fast enough and get discouraged, which is the biggest mistake that most people make. Changes to our bodies are gradual. They take consistency, dedication and most importantly, discipline (which I sorely lack). I could make excuses for myself, which would be easy to do, given an erratic schedule and other things going on in my life, but the